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Dr Takahiro Fujioka:
Website: Scopus, Google Scholar, Research Gate, Researcher ID, Mendeley, ORCID
Area of expertise: RO membranes, NF membranes, Online chemical and microbiological analysis, Water Environment, Water Treatment
Chang, Y.S., Boivin, S., Fujioka, T., Removal of odorous and nitrogen chemicals by submerged nanofiltration, Journal of Water Process Engineering, In Press.
Fujioka, T., Boivin, S., Terashima, M., (2024) Low-energy advanced wastewater treatment using submerged nanofiltration, Desalination, 592, 118189.
Fujioka, T., Takeuchi, H., Tahara, H., Murakami, H., Boivin, S. (2024) Effects of functional groups of polyfluoroalkyl substances on their removal by nanofiltration, Water Research X, 24, 10023.
Popova, A., Shintani, T., Fujioka, T. (2024) Effects of substrate (track-etched filter) properties on the performance of forward osmosis membranes, Journal of Membrane Science , 704, 122865.
Boivin, S., Fujioka, T. (2024) Membrane fouling control and contaminant removal during direct nanofiltration of surface water, Desalination, 581, 117607.
Popova, A., Shintani, T., Fujioka, T. (2024) Track-etched membrane as a thin substrate with straight pores to fabricate polyamide forward osmosis membrane, Journal of Membrane Science Letters, 4, 100068.
Fujioka, T., Linh C.U.T., Okuda, T., Boivin, S. (2024) Controlling membrane fouling of nanofiltration using poly-aluminum chloride and Moringa oleifera coagulants, Separation and Purification Technology, 334, 126016.
Popova, A., Boivin, S., Shintani, T., Fujioka, T. (2024) Development of high-integrity reverse osmosis membranes for enhanced removal of microorganisms, Desalination, 572, 117155.
Tran, D.M.H, Kamada, K., Fujioka, T. (2024) Direct filtration of low-turbidity water by fixed-bed ion exchange treatment, Desalination and Water Treatment, In Press
Gao, H.; Sato, S.; Kodamatani, H.; Fujioka, T.; Ishida, K.P.; Ikehata, K. Optimization of Dissolved Silica Removal from Reverse Osmosis Concentrate by Gedaniella flavovirens for Enhanced Water Recovery. Sustainability 2024, 16, 4052.
Tran, H.D.M., Sano, H., Boivin, S., Ohkuma, N., Terashima, M., Fujioka, T. (2023) Sodium hypochlorite-assisted osmotic backwashing for mitigating forward osmosis membrane fouling during pre-concentrating wastewater, Environmental Technology & Innovation, 32, 103402.
Popova, A., Rattanakom, R., Yu, Z., Li, Z., Nakagawa, K., Fujioka, T. (2023) Evaluating the potential of nanofiltration membranes for removing ammonium, nitrate, and nitrite in drinking water sources, Water Research, 244, 120484.
Boivin, S., Hasegawa, E., Yamaguchi, D., Fujioka, T. (2023) Rapid counting method for 2-MIB-producing cyanobacteria (Pseudanabaena sp.) using fluorescence detection of phycocyanin pigments in algal cells, Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology, 9, 2561-2568.
Kodamatani, H., Kubozono, K., Kanzaki, R., Tomiyasu, T., Fujioka, T. (2023) Reverse osmosis membrane-based pretreatment for the quantification of N-nitrosodimethylamine concentrations in high-matrix water samples, Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology, 9, 2553-2560.
Boivin, S., Tanabe, S., Fujioka, T. (2022) Online evaluation of bacterial cells in sand filter effluents during full-scale treatment of drinking water, Science of the Total Environment, 814, 152508.
Ngo, M.T.T., Diep, B.Q., Sano, H, Nishimura, Y., Boivin, S., Kodamatani, H., Takeuchi, H., Sakti, S.C.W., Fujioka, T. (2022) "Membrane distillation for achieving high water recovery for potable water reuse", Chemosphere, 288, 132610.
Fujioka, T., Boivin, S., Takeuchi, H. (2021) "Online monitoring of bromate in treated wastewater: Implications for potable water reuse", Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology, 8, 2034-2039.
Tran, H.M.D., Boivin, S., Kodamatani, H., Ikehata, K., Fujioka, T. (2021) "Potential of UV-B and UV-C irradiation in disinfecting microorganisms and removing N-nitrosodimethylamine and 1,4-dioxane for potable water reuse: A review", Chemosphere, 286, 131682.
Sakti, S.C.W., Indrasari, N., Wijaya, R.A., Fahmi, M.Z., Widati, A.A., Lee, H.V., Fujioka, T., Nuryono, E.T., Chen, C.H (2021) Diatomaceous earth incorporated floating magnetic beads for oil removal on water, Environmental Technology & Innovation, 25, 102120.
Boivin, S., Hasegawa, E., Yamaguchi, D., Fujioka, T. (2021) "A facile technique for automatically counting odor-producing algae (Pseudanabaena sp.) in drinking water sources", Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology, 7, 1032-1039 .
Fujioka, T., Kodamatani, H., Tran, H.M.D., Fujioka, A., Koki, H., Yoshikawa, T., Inoue, D., Ikehata, K. (2021) "Degradation of N-nitrosamines and 1,4-dioxane using vacuum ultraviolet irradiation (UV254+185 nm or UV172 nm)", Chemosphere, 278, 130326.
Ngo, M.T.T., Makabe, R., Ueyamaa, T., Bui, H.T., Nghiem, L.D., Nga, T.T.V, Fujioka, T. (2021) "Fouling behavior and performance of a submerged flat-sheet nanofiltration membrane system for direct treatment of secondary wastewater effluent", Journal of Water Process Engineering, 41, 101991.
Fujioka, T., Ngo, M.T.T., Makabe, R., Ueyamaa, T., Takeuchi, H., Nga, T.T.V, Bui, H.T., Tanaka, H. (2021) "Submerged nanofiltration without pre-treatment for direct advanced drinking water treatment", Chemosphere, 265, 129056.
Fujioka, T., Ngo, M.T.T., Makabe, R., Boivin, S., Ikehata, K. (2021) "Pre-treatment of surface waters and wastewater by a hemodiafilter for online bacterial counting", Environmental Science & Technology Water, 1, 1, 101–107.
Kodamatani, H., Tanisue, T., Fujioka, T., Kanzaki, R., Tomiyasu, T. (2021) "Inhibitory effect of alkyl groups on N-nitrosamine formation from secondary and tertiary alkylamines with monochloramine", Environmental Technology & Innovation,22, 101520.
Kodamatani, H., Yoshimine, D., Fujioka, T., Kanzaki, R., Tomiyasu, T. (2021) "A novel luminol chemiluminescence induced by photoexcited ketones: A selective determination method for acetone in wastewater", Talanta Open, 3, 100035
Nguyen,T.T., Bui, X.T., Ngo, H.H., Nguyen, T.T.D., Nguyen, K.Q., Nguyen, H.H., Huynh, K.P.H., Némery, J., Fujioka, T., Duong, C.J., Dang, B.T., Varjan, S. (2021) "Nutrient recovery and microalgae biomass production from urine by membrane photobioreactor at low biomass retention times", Science of the Total Environment, 785, 147423.
Fujioka, T., Kodamatani, H., Yoshikawa, T., Inoue, D., Ikehata, K. (2020) "Assessment of 265-nm UV-LED for direct photolysis and advanced oxidation of N-nitrosamines and 1,4-dioxane", Environmental Technology & Innovation, 20, 101147.
Fujioka, T., Osako, M., Tanabe, S., Kodamatani, S., Shintani, T. (2020) "Plugging nonporous polyamide membranes for enhanced rejection of small contaminants during advanced wastewater treatment", Separation and Purification Technology, 253, 117490.
Fujioka, T., Ngo, M.T.T., Mochochoko, T., Boivin, S., Ohkuma, N., Yasui, H., Terashima, M. (2020) "Biofouling Control of a Forward Osmosis Membrane during Single-pass Pre-concentration of Wastewater", Chemosphere, 257, 127263.
Fujioka, T., Ngo, M.T.T., Boivin, S., Kawahara, K. Takada, A., Nakamura, Y., Yoshikawa, H. (2020) "Controlling Biofouling and Disinfection By-Product Formation During Reverse Osmosis Treatment for Seawater Desalination", Desalination, 488, 114507.
Fujioka, T. and Boivin, S. (2020) "Assessing bacterial infiltration through reverse osmosis membrane", Environmental Technology & Innovation, 19, 100818.
Fujioka, T., Osako, M., Oda, K., Shintani, T., Kodamatani, H. (2020) "Impact of heat modification conditions on the removal of N-nitrosodimethylamine by polyamide reverse osmosis membranes", Separation and Purification Technology, 247, 116921.
Roback, S., Kodamatani, H., Fujioka, T., Plumlee, M. (2020) "Validation of a Novel Direct-Injection Chemiluminescence-Based Method for N-Nitrosamine Analysis in Advanced-Treated Recycled Water, Drinking Water, and Wastewater", Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology, 6, 1106-1115.
Fujioka, T., Boivin, S. (2020) "Dialysis as a new pre-treatment technique for online bacterial counting", Science of the Total Environment, 714, 136768.
Fujioka, T., Ashiba. H., Kodamatani, H. (2020) "Fouling substances causing variable rejection of a small and uncharged trace organic chemical by reverse osmosis membranes", Environmental Technology & Innovation, 17, 100576.
Fujioka, T., Kodamatani, H., Yujue, W., Yu, K.D, Wanjaya, E.R., Yuan, H., Fang, M., Snyder, S.A. (2020) "Assessing the passage of small pesticides through reverse osmosis membranes", Journal of Membrane Science, 595, 117577.
Fujioka, T., Yoshikawa, H., Eguchi, M., Boivin, S., Kodamatani, H. (2020) "Application of stabilized hypobromite for controlling membrane fouling and N-nitrosodimethylamine formation", Chemosphere, 240, 124939.
Pathak, N.,Phuntsho, S.,Tran, V.H., Johir, M.A.H.,Ghaffour, N.,Leiknes, T.,Fujioka, T., Shon, H. (2020) "Simultaneous nitrification-denitrification using baffled osmotic membrane bioreactor-microfiltration hybrid system at different oxic-anoxic conditions for wastewater treatment", Journal of Environmental Management, 253, 109685.
Meadows, M.C., Pradhanang, S.M., Fujioka, T., Kodamatani, H., Leddy, M.B., Boving, T.B. (2019) "N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) Formation From Treatment of Seasonally and Spatially Varying Source Water", Water, 11(10).
Fujioka, T., Takeuchi, H., Tanaka, H., Kodamatani, H. (2019) "A surrogate-based approach for trace organic chemical removal by a high-rejection reverse osmosis membrane", Science of the Total Environment, 696, 134022.
Khan, S., Zheng, L., Fujioka, T., Price, W., McDonald, J., Nghiem, L.D. (2019) "New insights into the relationship between draw solution chemistry and trace organic rejection by forward osmosis", Journal of Membrane Science, 587, 117184.
Fujioka, T., Boivin, S. (2019) "Assessing the passage of particles through polyamide reverse osmosis membranes", Separation and Purification Technology, 226, 8-12.
Fujioka, T., Ueyama, T., Mingliang, F., Leddy, M. (2019) "Online assessment of sand filter performance for bacterial removal in a full-scale drinking water treatment plant", Chemosphere, 229, 509-514.
Fujioka, T., Makabe, R., Mori, N., Snyder, S.A., Leddy, M. (2019) "Assessment of online bacterial particle counts for monitoring the performance of reverse osmosis membrane process in potable reuse", Science of the Total Environment, 667, 540-544.
Fujioka, T., Kodamatani, H., Nghiem. L.D., Shintani, T. (2019) "Transport of N-nitrosamines through reverse osmosis membrane: Role of the molecular size and nitrogen atoms", Environmental Science & Technology Letters, 6(1), 44-48.5.
Fujioka, T., Hoang, A., Ueyama, T., Nghiem, L.D. (2019) "Integrity of reverse osmosis membrane for removing bacteria: New insight into bacterial passage", Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology, 5, 239-245.
Nguyen, T.T.; Bui, X.T.; Dang, B.T.; Ngo, H.H.; Jahng, D.; Fujioka, T.; Chen, S.S.; Dinh, Q.T.; Nguyen, C.N.; Nguyen, P.T.V (2019) "Effect of Ciprofloxacin dosages on the performance of sponge membrane bioreactor treating hospital wastewater", Bioresource Technology, 273, 573-578.
Fujioka, T., Nguyen, K.H., Hoang, A.H., Ueyama, T., Yasui, H., Terashima, M., Nghiem. L.D. (2018) "Biofouling Mitigation by Chloramination during Forward Osmosis Filtration of Wastewater", International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health - Environmental Science and Engineering, 15(10), 2124.
Fujioka, T., Kodamatani, H., Takeuchi, H., Tanaka, H., Nghiem. L.D. (2018) "Online monitoring of N-nitrosodimethylamine for the removal assurance of 1,4-dioxane and other trace organic compounds by reverse osmosis", Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology, 4, 2021 - 2028.
Katalo, R.; Okuda, T.; Nghiem, L.D.; Fujioka, T. (2018) "Moringa oleifera coagulation as pretreatment prior to microfiltration for membrane fouling mitigation", Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology, 4, 1604-1611.
Fujioka, T.; Hoang, A.; Okuda, T.; Takeuchi, H.; Tanaka, H.; Nghiem, L.D., (2018) "Water reclamation using a ceramic nanofiltration membrane and surface flushing with ozonated water", International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health - Environmental Science and Engineering, 15(4), 799.
Fujioka, T.; Hoang, A.; Aizawa, H.; Ashiba, H.; Fujimaki, H; Leddy, M., (2018) "Real-Time Online Monitoring for Assessing Removal of Bacteria by Reverse Osmosis", Environmental Science & Technology Letters, 5, 6, 389-393.
Kodamatani, H.; Roback, S. L.; Plumlee, M. H.; Ishida, K. P.; Masunaga, H.; Maruyama, N.; Fujioka, T., (2018) "An inline ion-exchange system in a chemiluminescence-based analyzer for direct analysis of N-nitrosamines in treated wastewater", Journal of Chromatography A, 1553, 51-56.
Fujioka, T.; O'Rourke, B.E.; Michishio, K.; Kobayashi, Y.; Oshima, N.; Kodamatani, H.; Shintani, T.; Nghiem, L.D., (2018) "Transport of small and neutral solutes through reverse osmosis membranes: Role of skin layer conformation of the polyamide film", Journal of Membrane Science, 554, 301-308.
Fujioka, T.; Takeuchi, H.; Tanaka, H.; Kodamatani, H., (2018) "Online monitoring of N‐nitrosodimethylamine rejection as a performance indicator of trace organic chemical removal by reverse osmosis", Chemosphere, 200, 80-85.
Takeuchi, H.; Tanaka, H.; Nghiem, L.D., Fujioka, T., (2018) "Emerging investigators series: a steric pore-flow model to predict the transport of small and uncharged solutes through a reverse osmosis membrane", Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology, 4, 493-504.
Fujioka, T.; Ishida, K. P.; Shintani, T.; Kodamatani, H., (2018) "High rejection reverse osmosis membrane for removal of N-nitrosamines and their precursors", Water Research, 131, 45-51.
Fujioka, T.; Tanisue, T.; Roback, S. L.; Plumlee, M. H.; Ishida, K. P.; Kodamatani, H., (2017) "Near real-time N-nitrosodimethylamine monitoring in potable water reuse via online high-performance liquid chromatography-photochemical reaction-chemiluminescence" Environ. Sci.: Water Res. Technol., 6, 1032-1036.
Moe Ma Ma Tin, Anioke, G., Nakagoe, O., Tanabe, S., Kodamatani, H., Nghiem, L.D., Fujioka, T. (2017) "Membrane fouling, chemical cleaning and separation performance assessment of a chlorine-resistant nanofiltration membrane for water recycling applications" Separation and Purification Technology, 198, 170-175.
Fujioka, T., Kodamatani, H., Aizawa, H., Gray, S., Ishida K.P., Nghiem L.D. (2017) "Role of membrane fouling substances on the rejection of N-nitrosamines by reverse osmosis" Water Research, 118, 187-195.
Fujioka, T., Masaki, S., Kodamatani, H., Ikehata, K. (2017) "Degradation of N-nitrosodimethylamine by UV-based advanced oxidation processes for potable reuse" Current Pollution Reports, 3(2), 79-87.
Kodamatani H., Iwaya Y., Saga M., Saito K., Fujioka T., Yamazaki S., Kanzaki R., Tomiyasu T. (2017) "Ultra-sensitive HPLC-photochemical reaction-luminol chemiluminescence method for the measurement of secondary amines after nitrosation", Analytica Chimica Acta, 952, 50-58.
Fujioka, T., Takeuchi, H., Tanaka, H., Nghiem, L.D., Ishida, K.P., Kodamatani, H. (2016) "A rapid and reliable technique for N-nitrosodimethylamine analysis in reclaimed water by HPLC-photochemical reaction-chemiluminescence", Chemosphere, 161, 104-111.
Alharbi, S.K., Price, W.E., Kang, J., Fujioka, T., Nghiem, L.D. (2016) "Ozonation of carbamazepine, diclofenac, sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim and formation of major oxidation products", Desalination and Water Treatment, 57(60), 29340-29351.
Phan, H.V., McDonald J.A., Hai, F.I., Price, W.E., Khan, S.J., Fujioka, T., Nghiem, L.D. (2016) "Biological performance and trace organic contaminant removal by a side-stream ceramic nanofiltration membrane bioreactor", International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 113, 49-56.
Fujioka, T., Khan, S.J., McDonald, J.A. and Nghiem, L.D. (2015) "Rejection of trace organic chemicals by a nanofiltration membrane: the role of molecular properties and effects of caustic cleaning", Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology, 1, 846 - 854.
Fujioka, T., Khan, S.J., McDonald, J.A. and Nghiem, L.D. (2015) "Rejection of trace organic chemicals by a hollow fibre cellulose triacetate reverse osmosis membrane", Desalination, 368, 69-75.
Fujioka, T., Oshima, N., Suzuki, R., Higgins, M., Price, W.E., Henderson, R.K. and Nghiem, L.D. (2015) "Effect of heat treatment on fouling resistance and the rejection of small and neutral solutes by reverse osmosis membranes", Water Science and Technology: Water Supply, 15(3), 510-516.
Fujioka, T., Oshima, N., Suzuki, R.Price, W.E. and Nghiem, L.D. (2015) "Probing the internal structure of reverse osmosis membranes by positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy: Gaining more insight into the transport of water and small solutes", Journal of Membrane Science, 486, 106-118.
Fujioka, T. and Nghiem, L.D. (2015) "Fouling control of a ceramic microfiltration membrane for direct sewer mining by backwashing with ozonated water", Separation and Purification Technology, 142, 268-273.
Fujioka, T., Khan, S.J., McDonald, J.A. and Nghiem, L.D. (2015) "Validating the rejection of trace organic chemicals of significant health concern by reverse osmosis membranes using a pilot-scale system", Desalination 358, 18-26.
Fujioka, T., Khan, S.J., McDonald, J.A. and Nghiem, L.D. (2014) "Nanofiltration of trace organic chemicals: a comparison between ceramic and polymeric membranes", Separation Purification Technology 136, 258-264.
Fujioka, T., Khan, S.J., McDonald, J.A., Roux, A., Poussade, Y., Drewes, J.E. and Nghiem, L.D. (2014) "Rejection of small solutes by reverse osmosis membranes for water reuse applications: A pilot-scale study", Desalination 350, 28-34.
Simon, A., Fujioka, T., Nghiem, L.D. and Price, W.E. (2014), "Sodium hydroxide production from sodium carbonate and bicarbonate solutions using membrane electrolysis: a feasibility study", Separation Purification Technology, 127, 70-76.
Fujioka, T., Khan, S.J., McDonald, J.A., Roux, A., Poussade, Y., Drewes, J.E. and Nghiem, L.D. (2014) "N-nitrosamine rejection by RO: Effects of exposing the membrane to chemical cleaning reagents", Desalination, 343 (16), 60-66.
Fujioka, T., Khan, S.J., McDonald, J.A., Roux, A., Poussade, Y., Drewes, J.E. and Nghiem, L.D. (2014) "Modelling the rejection of N-nitrosamines by a spiral-wound reverse osmosis system: Mathematical model development and validation," Journal of Membrane Science, 454, 212-219.
Fujioka, T., Khan, S.J., McDonald, J.A. and Nghiem, L.D. (2014) "Ozonation of N-nitrosamines in the Reverse Osmosis Concentrate from Water Recycling Applications", Ozone: Science & Engineering, 36 (2), 174-180.
Fujioka, T. and Nghiem, L.D. (2013) "Modification of a polyamide reverse osmosis membrane by heat treatment for enhanced fouling resistance", Water Science and Technology: Water Supply 13(6), 1553-1559.
Wijekoon, K.C., Fujioka, T., McDonald, J.A., Khan, S.J., Hai, F.I., Price, W.E. and Nghiem, L.D. (2013) "Removal of N-nitrosamines by an aerobic membrane bioreactor", Bioresource Technology 141, 41-45.
Tu, K.L., Fujioka, T., Khan, S.J., Poussade, Y., Roux, A., Drewes, J.E., Chivas, A.R. and Nghiem, L.D. (2013) "Boron as a surrogate for N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) rejection by reverse osmosis membranes in potable water reuse applications", Environmental Science and Technology 47(12), 6425–6430.
Fujioka, T., Khan, S.J., McDonald, J.A., Roux, A., Poussade, Y., Drewes, J.E. and Nghiem, L.D. (2013) "N-nitrosamine rejection by reverse osmosis membranes: A full-scale study", Water Research 47(16), 6141-6148.
Fujioka, T., Oshima, N., Suzuki, R., Khan, S.J., Roux, A., Poussade, Y., Drewes, J.E. and Nghiem, L.D. (2013) "Rejection of small and uncharged chemicals of emerging concern by reverse osmosis membranes: The role of free volume space within the active skin layer", Separation Purification Technology 116, 426-432.
Fujioka, T., Khan, S.J., McDonald, J.A., Roux, A., Poussade, Y., Drewes, J.E. and Nghiem, L.D. (2013) "N-nitrosamine rejection by nanofiltration and reverse osmosis membranes: The importance of membrane characteristics", Desalination 316(1), 67-75.
Fujioka, T., Khan, S.J., McDonald, J.A., Henderson, R.K., Poussade, Y., Drewes, J.E. and Nghiem, L.D. (2013) "Effects of membrane fouling on N-nitrosamine rejection by nanofiltration and reverse osmosis membranes", Journal of Membrane Science 427, 311-319.
Fujioka, T., Khan, S.J., Poussade, Y., Drewes, J.E. and Nghiem, L.D. (2012) "N-nitrosamine removal by reverse osmosis for indirect potable water reuse – A critical review based on observations from laboratory-, pilot- and full-scale studies", Separation Purification Technology 98, 503-515.
Fujioka, T., Nghiem, L.D., Khan, S.J., McDonald, J.A., Poussade, Y. and Drewes, J.E. (2012) "Effects of feed solution characteristics on the rejection of N-nitrosamines by reverse osmosis membranes", Journal of Membrane Science 409–410, 66-74.
Yangali-Quintanilla, V., Maeng, S.K., Fujioka, T., Kennedy, M., Li, Z. and Amy, G. (2011) "Nanofiltration vs. reverse osmosis for the removal of emerging organic contaminants in water reuse", Desalination and Water Treatment 34(1-3), 50-56.
Yangali-Quintanilla, V., Maeng, S.K., Fujioka, T., Kennedy, M. and Amy, G. (2010) "Proposing nanofiltration as acceptable barrier for organic contaminants in water reuse", Journal of Membrane Science 362(1-2), 334-345.
Fujioka, T., (2019) Chapter 9: Removal of N-nitrosodimethylamine for Potable Reuse: Reverse Osmosis Treatment and Monitoring Technologies, Water and Wastewater Treatment Technologies, Springer Nature.
Nghiem, L.D., Fujioka, T., (2016) Chapter 9: The removal of emerging contaminants for water reuse by membrane technology, Emerging Membrane Technology for Sustainable Water Treatment, Elsevier Science.