Welcome to the website of the Water Treatment (Prof. Takahiro Fujioka's) Lab in the Water & Environmental Science Program, Graduate School of Engineering, Nagasaki University, Japan. The Water Treatment Lab focuses on the development of membrane-based water treatment technologies and analytical techniques to produce high-quality and reliable recycled water for Potable Water Reuse. In addition, we are also developing low-capital/operating cost water treatment technologies for developing countries (Our Water Environment Research Activities).
Laboratory brochure - here, Japanese language website - here
20 November 2024
MEXT scholarship program (three positions available under University's recommendation for the Water and Environment Science Program)
The Water Treatment Laboratory led by Prof. Takahiro Fujioka at the Graduate School of Integrated Science and Technology, Nagasaki University is seeking applicants for PhD program (Water and Environment Science Program) starting in October 2025. The scholarship covers all expenditures including travel, enrolment & tuition fees, and living expenses (>$1000 USD/month) for 3 years.
The applicants need to have a grade equal to or more than the B2 equivalent of the European Common Language Reference Frame (e.g., IELTS = 5.5) by mid-December. They also need to have a GPA (MEXT calculation) of 2.3 or higher.
Interested candidates should contact Prof. Takahiro Fujioka (tfujioka@nagasaki-u.ac.jp) along with a CV and motivation letter. Once they are selected, they will receive a full application guideline.
17 October 2024
Our new article "Removal of odorous and nitrogen chemicals by submerged nanofiltration" has been accepted in Journal of Water Process Engineering.
9 October 2024
Our new article "Low-energy advanced wastewater treatment using submerged nanofiltration" has been accepted in Desalination.
50days free access - https://authors.elsevier.com/a/1jxmE2jQ2E5Kl
3 July 2024
Our new article "Effects of functional groups of polyfluoroalkyl substances on their removal by nanofiltration" has been accepted in Water Research X journal.
12 May 2024
Our new article "Effects of substrate (track-etched filter) properties on the performance of forward osmosis membranes" has been accepted in Journal of Membrane Science.
5 April 2024
Our new article "Membrane fouling control and contaminant removal during direct nanofiltration of surface water" has been accepted in Desalination journal.
26 January 2024
Our new article "Track-etched membrane as a thin substrate with straight pores to fabricate polyamide forward osmosis membrane" has been accepted in Journal of Membrane Science Letters .
13 December 2023
Our SATREPS project HP is open now "Click here" .
10 December 2023
Our new article "Controlling membrane fouling of nanofiltration using poly-aluminum chloride and Moringa oleifera coagulants" has been accepted in Separation and Purification Technology .
50-days free access - https://authors.elsevier.com/a/1iHFB4wbrTBd-%7E
1 December 2023
MEXT scholarship program (three positions available under University's recommendation for the Water and Environment Science Program).
The Water Treatment Laboratory led by Prof. Takahiro Fujioka at the Graduate School of Engineering, Nagasaki University, Japan is seeking applicants for PhD program (Water and Environment Science Program) starting in October 2024. It is the best scholarship in Japan: the scholarship covers all expenditures including travel, enrolment/tuition fees, and living expenses (approx. $1000 USD/month) for 3 years.
The applicants need to be from countries and regions designated by MEXT (see here), and have a grade equal to or more than the B2 equivalent of the European Common Language Reference Frame (e.g., IELTS = 5.5). They also need to have a GPA (MEXT calculation) of 2.3 or higher. Even if not selected, there will be several other options (e.g. other scholarships and RA) available.
Special notes:
Applicants with their background in Material Engineering or Science (e.g., polymer chemistry) or Biology are very welcome.
Applicants who have outstanding research achievements during their master study will be appreciated.
Applicants who have 2 years or more of recent research, engineering, or development-related work experience after their master study are also welcome.
Interested candidates should contact Prof. Takahiro Fujioka (tfujioka @ nagasaki-u.ac.jp) along with a CV, so that they will receive a full application guideline. The application deadline is December 20, 2023 (preferably before 15 December).
21 November 2023
We are recruiting a tenure-track assistant professor! https://jrecin.jst.go.jp/seek/SeekJorDetail?fn=4&id=D123091890&ln_jor=0&top_btn=1&ln=1 (ended)
16 November 2023
Our new article "Development of high-integrity reverse osmosis membranes for enhanced removal of microorganisms" has been accepted in Desalination.
5-10 November 2023
The Water Treatment Lab welcomed eight participants from Chiang Mai University; Hanoi University of Civil Engineering; University of Science, Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh City; University of Sciences, Hue University for Sakura Science Program (JST).
14 October 2023
Our new article below in Environmental Technology & Innovation has been accepted.
Tran, H.D.M, Sano, H., Boivin, S., Ohkuma, N., Terashima, M., Fujioka, T. (2023) Sodium hypochlorite-assisted osmotic backwashing for mitigating forward osmosis membrane fouling during pre-concentrating wastewater, Environmental Technology & Innovation, In press.
15 August 2023
Many papers have been accepted recently. Our lab is back to normal for publications.
Popova, A., Rattanakom, R., Yu, Z., Li, Z., Nakagawa, K., Fujioka, T. (2023) Evaluating the potential of nanofiltration membranes for removing ammonium, nitrate, and nitrite in drinking water sources, Water Research, in press. (50 days access - https://authors.elsevier.com/a/1hdFD9pi-aD7V)
Boivin, S., Hasegawa, E., Yamaguchi, D., Fujioka, T. (2023) Rapid counting method for 2-MIB-producing cyanobacteria (Pseudanabaena sp.) using fluorescence detection of phycocyanin pigments in algal cells, Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology, in press .
Kodamatani, H., Kubozono, K., Kanzaki, R., Tomiyasu, T., Fujioka, T. (2023) Reverse osmosis membrane-based pretreatment for the quantification of N-nitrosodimethylamine concentrations in high-matrix water samples, Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology, In press..
19 May 2022
We are delighted to announce that our research proposal (Dr Fujioka as PI) has been selected for the Japan's largest JST & JICA research grant - the Science and Technology Research Partnership for Sustainable Development (SATREPS) program with a partner of Hanoi University of Civil Engineering, Vietnam (Dr Nga Tran Thi Viet as a counterpart). The five year project will start in April 2023. Further information can be found on the websites below.
Title: The Project for Establishing Sustainable Water Supply System Resilient to the Contamination of Drinking Water Sources